#Feature: Most Popular Children's Games in the Philippines

   Unquestionably, childhood is one of the few stages in our lives that we will always miss. It is a stage that if we are given the chance to go back, we’ll certainly go back. There are so many reasons as to why most people consider childhood as one of the best stages in their lives. Perhaps, they have enjoyed playing so many outdoor games that made it so much memorable.
   In the Philippines specifically in the Visayas region, if you’re going to ask somebody why their childhood was awesome, they’ll definitely mention the outdoor activities that they have played. Now to give you a glimpse as to how children in the Philippines enjoy their childhood, I’m going to give you the 3 Most Popular Children's Games in the Philippines:

1. Dakop-Dakop

   Dakop-dakop is one of the most popular child’s game in the Visayas region of the Philippines. It’s like the game “Tag, you're it!”. In this game, your objective is very simple. If you’re the player, you just have to catch people who are in the game by touching any parts of their body.

   Whenever there is a gathering of children in the neighborhood, Dakop-Dakop will always be the first game children can think of since the game involves so much running making the children enjoy it so much. There are many renditions of this game. But still, the objective is the same.

2. Tago-Tagoan
This game is similar to hide-and-seek game. The player will close their eyes to let the other players hide. After a short while,  the player will then seek the” hiders”. When the player finally find those people who hid, the player will then go touch the wall where he stayed while closing his/her eyes and then say the word “save!”. Failure to do so will make the player be the one who seeks again.

This game is commonly played during daylight because most Pinoy children is into the superstitious belief that if they play during night, the ethereal world might grab them while they are hiding. However, there are also children who are into thrill  so they still play the game during the night. This game is considered as the second most played game because of the buzz it can bring to the children.

3. Bato Lata
“Bato Lata” is considered as one of the authentic Pinoy  games. The name of the games basically translates to “Hit the Can”. There two kinds of people in this game (a) the hitters (b) the player. The former are ones who will hit the can which stands inside a drawn circle using a slipper. The latter’s goal however is to tag a hitter if the hitter tries to get his slipper after he missed to hit the can. If a hitter is tagged, he will then replace the player.

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