#Tips: How to Escape the Carolers

   In the Philippines, carolers start to fleet singing Christmas Carols from one house to house the moment the –ber months start. Caroling has been a part of the Filipino tradition every Christmas season since then.

   In a day, a household can be visited by a caroler twice. Since these carolers start to work so early, the householders has to give money to them from September to December. However, money isn’t always present. Thus, these carolers can become a burden to these householder. Nevertheless, there are simple ways to sometimes break away from these carolers even without running.

Here are some of the ways:

1. Mute Everything
Whenever you hear voices of the carolers and you are caught off guard, what you can do is to mute every single device that’s creating a sound. In that way, the carolers with sharp senses will think that nobody is inside the house. Thus, it will make them leave.

2. Turn the Lights Off
This is another way in guising that nobody is inside the house. Whenever the carolers come to ask for pennies, you just have to turn the lights off to make them once again leave.

3. Straightforward Decline
                To straightforwardly decline is to directly say to these carolers that you don’t have money and they just have to come back on Christmas Day. This is by far the most effective way in getting these carolers out of your way. But, this needs bravery.

4. Act Deaf
There are people who likes to get rid of these carolers by acting deaf. No matter how hard these carolers try to sing, this will be of no use if you act deaf.

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